La Isla Bonita
GmLast night I dFreamt of San PGmedro, E/G jusGmt like I'Bd never gone I kneFw the song. A yGmoung girl with eFyes like the dGmesert. E/G It Gm all seems like yBesterday, not far aFwayD/F#. |
R: | GmTropical the islDmand breeDm7ze, aCll of nature wBild and free. TFhis is where I long Cmto be, FLa isla bonGmita. |
(Dm): | And when the sDmamba plaDm7yed, tCmhe sun would sBet so high, ring throFugh my ears and sCmting my eyes. Your sFpanish lullGmaby. GmI fell inF love with San PedrGmo, E/G warm wGmind carried on tBhe sea. He called to mFe: Gm "Te Fdiso te Gmamo." E/G I Gm prayed that the daBys would last, they went so faFst.D/F# |
R: | CmI want to G#be where the sun warBms the sky.Fsus2 When it's time Cmfor siestaG# you can watch them gBo by. CmBeautiful faG#ces, no caresB in this world.Fsus2 Where a girl Cmloves a boy andG# a boy loves aB girlD/G. Gm |
R: | (2x) |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:11.508+00:00
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